Kansas farmers use drones to monitor crops


WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) – Technology is making what was once some of the most time-consuming tasks for farmers much easier, which includes the use of drones.

Drones are transforming everything from shipping and delivery to journalism and film, and now agriculture.

A unique, fully automated “drone in a box” allows growers and agronomists to remotely monitor their crops, saving farmers time and money.

“So the corn here, we would go out, we would scan the corn. The light reflected from the sun would determine the health of its crop. Our sensors can pick up on that and then we’ll give a good health analysis from that, ”said Kenny Vadakin, UAV systems engineer for American Robotics. “Just having to send someone like me out there takes, you know, time, effort and setup, and we expect in the coming weeks that this system will operate independently without human eyes on the drone. “

That’s right, says Vadakin, drones will soon be able to operate on their own.

“In reality, the goal is to narrow down the areas of interest so the farmer doesn’t have to spend hours figuring out what the real problem is,” he said.

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