How to Disable Helmet Camera in Modern Warfare 2

The new helmet camera is one of the new changes in Modern Warfare 2, and if you’re not entirely satisfied, our guide will show you how to change it.

Change is always going to be divisive, no matter how you see it, because you will have some people embracing the concept, while others will naturally oppose it. So it’s understandable that not everyone liked Modern Warfare 2’s new helmet camera.

This all-new way to view and watch CoD matches offers a Go-Pro-like perspective offering an exciting new approach to watching the action unfold.

While players have been pleased with the revamped and streamlined cloaking system, this new spectator camera is a little more 50/50, so here’s how to disable the helmet camera in Modern Warfare 2.

How to Disable Helmet Camera in Modern Warfare 2

The first thing you will have to do is head to the game settings because that is where you will find the option to disable the helmet camera perspective for Modern Warfare 2.

Here are our full instructions to follow:

  1. From the main menu, navigate to Settings.
  2. Now locate the Chart tongue.
  3. Keep scrolling through all the settings until you get somewhere near the bottom of it.
  4. You should now see Default Spectator Camera option.
  5. Finally pass it to Game perspective and you should now have the default classic camera.

As with all settings of this nature, if you decide to experiment with it again, you can always undo this action.

Additionally, if you want a quick switch in a snap, you can also press Triangle on PlayStation, Y on Xbox, or your applicable hotkey on PC to quickly switch between the two options.

Now that you know how to disable the helmet camera in Modern Warfare 2, why not check out our other guides for the game:

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Image credit: Activision

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