Man tries to bypass traffic, quickly regrets it


Accidents happen and most of the time they cannot be avoided. However, this is not always the case, especially when it comes to traffic accidents.

In order to be safe and protect others, drivers must follow the rules. Exceeding the speed limit, texting while driving, and not using turn signals can all have serious consequences.

Recently a video of a violent bicycle-to-car crash was shared on Reddit, showing how dangerous it can be to willfully choose to ignore everything we’ve learned in driving school.

Images of the bike rolling through traffic captured by the biker go-pro camera | Photo:


In the short clip, which appears to have been filmed with a go-pro camera attached to the biker helmet, the two-wheeled vehicle can be seen accelerating through traffic.

There are cars left and right and the rider, to get to his destination faster, decided to split the lane, which he immediately regretted after hitting a car door.


According to the Tatum law firm, lane splitting is illegal in North and South Carolina, but legal in other states. However, and although the rider was accelerating, the driver of the car was also wrong.

The accident happened because the driver of the car decided to change lanes without properly signaling his intentions. The turn signal has never been used in this situation.

The sharp left turn was a dangerous lane change. Changing lanes quickly can be considered a defensive maneuver for bikers, but when performed by cars they can have devastating effects.

In this case, the driver of the car did not check his blind spot, which ultimately led to the collision. As can be seen in the video, the motorcyclist, whose state of health is unknown, takes a hell of a crash after the blow.


Driving safely should always be the number one priority on the road, and none of the drivers have taken the necessary precautions to keep themselves and those around them safe.

In March, a possible disregard for safety resulted in the death of a mother during a memorial motorcycle ride for her son who tragically died in a motorcycle accident.

Diane Everett, 51, had just lost Michael Jr., 23, and was on her way to Horsetooth Reservoir in Colo. When she did not recognize a bend near Homer Road.

Diane was reported to be riding her son’s bike, a 2012 Honda CBR, when she rolled into a ditch and hit the culvert and the speed limit for the paved road near Carter Lake is 45 mph.

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